What we do

We work with our partners to unlock the change they want to see within their organisations, in their communities, or out in the world. As experienced storytellers, we can work across multiple channels and at different stages of a change project, from the initial planning to the final delivery.

Video production

A powerful way to capture hearts and minds, video content allows your audience to see, hear and feel the change you want to make. We provide end-to-end video production capability, for everything from testimonials and case studies to profiles of your organisation, your people or your vision.

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Documentary films

Short and long form documentary films are an authentic and immersive storytelling tool. We create and produce documentaries that shine a light on important subjects and socially relevant causes. Through interviews and on-the-ground storytelling, we enlighten audiences and move them to take action.

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Campaign management

Creating a social change project or initiative is one thing. Effectively managing it as an ongoing campaign is another. When we work with you to create a campaign for positive change, we can bring together a team of specialists to take it out into the world and manage its ongoing success.

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